PAX East
I will be there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in the Tabletop area next to the Atlas Booth. I also will be on a panel at PAX East "Publishing Your Tabletop Indie Game Your Way", Saturday, April 7th at 6:30 pm in the Bobcat Theatre
I will be there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in the Tabletop area next to the Atlas Booth. I also will be on a panel at PAX East "Publishing Your Tabletop Indie Game Your Way", Saturday, April 7th at 6:30 pm in the Bobcat Theatre
This is an industry event where I hope to meet more retailers and distributors to get Robit Riddle out into the wild!
This is a convention that I am a co-organizer. It is a great multi-day players convention with a focus on free-to-play gaming. There is a great designers section where I will be showing off my new designs as will other amazing designers. Come and check us out!
Robit Riddle will be showing (and hopefully available) at PAX Unplugged! We don't have many details yet, other than we will definitely be there! Come by and say hi, would love to meet you!
Come see Robit Riddle before it's released in stores at GenCon 50! We have almost 20 events to choose from. Some have sold out but there are many days and times still available! At the very least you should be able to find us at, ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8, as all our events are there.
The links below are for that specific event's ticketing on the Gen Con site. Grayed out items are sold out, will try and keep this list up to date.
Date | Time | Location |
Thur 8/17 | 10am | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Thur 8/17 | 11am | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Thur 8/17 | 3pm | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Thur 8/17 | 4pm | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Fri 8/18 | 9am | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Fri 8/18 | 10am | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Fri 8/18 | 4pm | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Fri 8/18 | 5pm | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Fri 8/18 | 7pm | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Fri 8/18 | 8pm | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Sat 8/19 | 10am | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Sat 8/19 | 11am | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Sat 8/19 | 3pm | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Sat 8/19 | 4pm | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Sat 8/19 | 5pm | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Sat 8/19 | 6pm | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Sat 8/19 | 7pm | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Sun 8/20 | 10am | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Sun 8/20 | 11am | ICC : Hall C : Purple : 8 |
Come see Robit Riddle in it's near final form at GenCon 2016! We will be showing in both the First Exposure Playtest Hall like last year, and we have our own events that you can sign up for!
In a last minute bid, I was able to secure a booth at Origins Game Fair 2016 in Columbus, OH. This will be my first multi-day all day long booth. I am super excited to meet new people and have new experiences.
See you there!
This first time convention is must come for those in the New England area. I may be biased as I am one of the organizers of the event. It will be a small one day event with some big names like Jon Gilmour (Dead of Winter) and Flip the Table. There will be many designers showing off their released or soon to be games. Not to mention a much improved Robit Riddle will be there to see. It is getting very close to production quality and the game play is greatly improved. So come on out and see me and other awesome people from this hobby.
Going to show off Robit Riddle at Arisia's Indie Showcase. Hope to see you there.
I will be showing Robit Riddle at BGG CON's IndieLand on November 18th, 2015. Stop by to check out my game!
Robit Riddle will be showing at this event! Come on by to test it out!