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Beep Bebop
1 of 6 character's for players to choose from. Beep is a tinkerer by nature.

Beep's Backstory
The back of Beep Bebop's character card explains his backstory and that days events.

Clank Clatter
Clank is a character in Robit Riddle that players can pretend to be.

Hum Harrumph
An old bot that has seen a lot in his life. Another character that players can choose.

Vic Vroom
Confident and wise, this well rounded character can handle just about anything.

Pip Plink
Pip's is a go getter. Her energy always makes for entertaining articles that she writes for her school paper.

Mum Meow
Mum is the kind of bot that keeps everyone involved and together.

Atchoo is a playful puppy robit that has endless energy.

Echo is small for an elephant, but is an amazing pet robit.

The crafty Kong is a sneaky and cleaver pet robit.

Oinkie maybe a cute pet robit, but he is also very wise and very aware.

Just about the cutest pet robit there is.

A high soaring pet robit, Yakkie loves to keep an eye on things.

Eek Energy
One of the many encounters you could have in Robit Riddle. Eek is a bit scary, but is he up to no good or can he be helpful?

Jingle Jabber
Jingle may look rough around the edges, but maybe he can be persuaded to help or even join you in your quest!

Itchy Ivy
Another encounter that can go many different ways. Hopefully you won't get trapped in its tangled mess.